Sonntag, 23. März 2014

mini chocolate and almond cakes

makes 6 small cakes
3/4 Cup flour(I took buckwheat flour)
1 1/4 Cups ground almonds
2 ripe bananas
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
nondairy milk(not sure how much,sry)
unsweetend cacao
(optional 2 tsp coconut sugar if you want it sweeter)

Combine the dry ingredients. Blend the bananas with the milk and mix it all together.
Put it in baking pans and bake it at 200 degrees celsius until a toothpick comes out clean.;)

Montag, 17. März 2014

blueberry lemon cake

Never thought I'd like lemon in a cake but today I finally tried it and aaaaaah🙊 DELICIOUS!
I made a blueberry lemon cake 💕
I had it with a caramell sauce(coconut sugar heated with oat cream❤️), fresh blueberries 🙏
It's good with oat milk,too😏
Haven't tried it yet but I guess it's great with chocolate sauce, any kind of berries, banana, nut butter etc.😉
Okay, enough said☺️

(I hope you can read it🙈 If not, just tell me☺️)

Samstag, 15. März 2014

stracciatella yoghurt

I thought I should share this with you because it was just the bomb.:D
It's not really a recipe but oh well.:3

Healthy stracciatella yoghurt
unsweetend soy yoghurt
cacao nibs(or dark chocolate)
coconut sugar

Just mix all the ingredients and enjoy🙌
It's quick, simple and so delicious🙊

I topped mine with hot cherries and granola👌

Montag, 10. März 2014


I know I've already shared a chia pudding recipe but since I started eating it more I guess I should show you some different options☺️

^^^^with fresh blueberries and dried figs😌

with frozen raspberries, blackberries and seeds.

Okay, lets be honest 
almost no one reads this since IG deleted my old account..
Not sure whether it makes any sense to write here...

Dienstag, 4. März 2014



I don't know if someone will read this but oh well...:/
I made a new account and most of you already followed me but when I came home from work it was deleted._.
I felt horrible and thought I'd never want to make a new one but I love Instagram.
It inspires and motivate me.
So I made a new account(again-.-)..
It'll be different compared to my old one.
I'll post different pictures.
Mostly food of course, but also some different stuff.:)
If you are interested I'd be glad if you'd take a look on my new account☺️
It's 'veryberryvibes' :D (super creative, i know)
I only posted one picture until know but oh well...

Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2014

baked banana bread oatmeal

1 mashed banana,
5 tbsp oats
6-8 tbsp milk of choice
1 tsp cinnamon
3/4 tsp baking powder
crushed walnuts

Just mix everything together, put it in an oven thing and bake it until it's a bit brown on top.

I like to add berries, mashed banana and nuts😌

Dienstag, 28. Januar 2014

raspberry oatmeal

I love raspberries,oatmeal and raspberry oatmeal💕

5 tbsp oats
1 cup milk of choice
as many frozen raspberries as you like

Cook the oats with milk and stirr in the raspberries. Yes, so simple😌
You can mash the berries with a fork to get a better color 😉

Deutsch: (verzeiht mir bitte,dass ich das oft vergesse ;))

5 EL Haferflocken 
240-250 ml Milch nach Wahl
so viele gefrorene Himbeeren wie ihr möchtet :)

Kocht die Haferflocken mit der Milch und rührt dann die Himbeeren rein😉
Für eine kräftigere Farbe: Himbeeren einfach zerdrücken 😛

Donnerstag, 23. Januar 2014

buckwheat pancakes

This is by far the easiest pancake recipe I know:)

It's just 1/2 Cup each of buckwheat flour and almond milk(any other milk or flour works,too) and 3/4 tsp baking soda.
Yep! That's all!:3
Just mix these things together and fry them with oil on a medium heat in a pan😋;)

für die Deutschen:
60g Buchweizenmehl und 120 ml Mandelmilch(funktioniert natürlich auch mit anderem Mehl und anderer Milch😉)
3/4 TL Natron oder Backpulver 

Einfach verrühren und bei mittlerer Hitze mit etwas Öl in der Pfanne braten:)

And this is what they may look like if you use moore😏:D
edit 23rd March 2014
Today I tried them with spelt flour.;)
I prefer them with buckwheat flour.☺️

Donnerstag, 16. Januar 2014

chia pudding

Just put the following things together, let it sit overnight(add fruits or cacao or what ever in the morning)..blend if you want to 😋

3 tbsp chia seeds
a bit more than a cup milk of choice

Sorry for the lack of posts but I'm busy🙈☺️

Dienstag, 7. Januar 2014

Plans for the week

I had a hot chocolate with BOUGHT vegan creme today to prove you and myself that I CAN eat unhealthy things;) 
And guess what? It was weird but no big deal.:3

Since I posted the recipe under the instagram picture I'm not going to write it again.:p

This post will be about my plans for the week.:D
(many of you asked at Instagram for more personal stuff^^)

It will be boring but oh well.:D

I have my first appointment with a dietican tomorrow!
I'm so nervous! 
I don't know what will happen and uugh>_< :D
And tomorrow is my first day back at School after break and I'm scared that someone will notice my weight gain(1-1,5 kg🙈)

I will try to get my driving license on thursday🙈
I guess I'll fail...

Aaaand on friday I'll meet a man who ownes a fruit and veggie store and maybe I can work for him.:0
This would be my first real job!:0

And on Saturday I want to make an appointment for my first tattoo🙊

So yeah...I guess that's all for now☺️


First homemade quiche and it turned out sooo delish!😌

Preaheat the oven at 180 degrees celsius

crust (inspired by a vegan blog but I forgot the name and I'm SO sorry .___. )
150g whole grain spelt flour
1 tbsp Olive oil
about 1,5 dl water
lots of herbs
sea salt

Stir the ingredients until roughly combined.
Place it in a quiche pan and bake it for about 5-7 minutes.

about 200g tofu
2-3 tbsp yeast extract
veggies of choice(i took peas, cauliflower, bell pepper and spinach;))

Blend it until smooth, put it on the crust and bake it for about 30-40 min.:)
Let it cool for about 10-15 min and enjoy❤️❤️

Sonntag, 5. Januar 2014


Just had banana pancakes for breakfast.😋 perfect!

10 tbsp oat flour (:00)
1/2 tsp baking powder

1 big banana(mashed)
about 1,5 dl milk of choice 

Combine the dry ingredients. Blend the wet ingredients(not to long!).
Slowly stir in the dry ingredients. Do not overmix them.
Fry them in a pan on low heat;)

Freitag, 3. Januar 2014

banana almond shake

This is one of my favourite shakes so far.:3

I just blend the following things together:

2 ripe bananas
1 tbsp almond butter
about a Cup milk of choice
Lots of cinnamon

Just perfect💛💛💛

Mittwoch, 1. Januar 2014


I used to love pizza but since I'm vegan it just wasn't that good anymore ._.

But today I made a vegan 'cheese'-sauce and oh my...:0

for one:
3 tbsp yeast flakes
2 tbsp white almond butter
pizza spices (for ideas: Look at my previous post about the pizza mash:3)

Just mix it all and put it on your pizza or pasta or whatever you want :D